Sunday, April 04, 2010


Just got back into town from a nice Easter. We stopped by the lake yesterday on the way to Massillon and I dropped Sarah and the boys off at the house and I went to Carter Lumber to pick up 72 pine boards. There was a lot going on down there, the neighbors put our docks in on Friday and some of the kids next door actually were swimming when we left. Brrr, the water had to be freezing.
We went to my dad's and ate Kraus Pizza for dinner and ended up going to bed fairly early. Today we went to church, it was nice seeing so many of the people I went to church with in my youth. Then Easter dinner/lunch was at Aunt Sally's house where a egg hunt traditionally happens. Here are the boys dividing up the loot. Right after this photo, Henry wiped out on the driveway and cut his arm up pretty bad so we took off back home.
I got a call about going to the Reds opening day tomorrow and I'm going to do it. It's with the new Chair of the House Public Utilities Committee so of course its work related.

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