Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Here are a bunch of photos from my work last evening and this morning. Of the 72 boards I bought Saturday I have 9 left. This photo shows the finished wall above the sliding glass door and the finished wall to the right of the fireplace. The photos below are in reverse order from when I did the work.
I had time this morning to finish the outside wall of the Harry Potter bedroom. If you've read the book, you know he lived under the steps at his Uncle's house (they obviously didn't treat him very well). I'm hoping that this bed is better received; there will be access from both the bedroom and the main room and can be closed off to both or either also. Note the bar shelf on the right.
This shows the completed wall, my work from last night and this morning. Once I get the fireplace finished, this will be done.
I finished the wall to the right of the fireplace this morning and even turned the corner.
Here is the gaggle of wires needed to hook up the 7 surround sound and outdoor speakers to the new receiver that is sitting at home in New Albany.
Here is the gaggle of wires needed to hook up the 7 surround sound and outdoor speakers to the new receiver that is sitting at home in New Albany.
The plumbing is finally in the right spot!