Monday, November 23, 2009

We had our first conference with Henry's teacher last week. Henry is doing great in school but is acting up a bit. We asked Mr. Roeth to keep us informed about his behavior.

We got Henry's first report card last Friday. He is "Achieving" in all his reading skills, which means he has already mastered what he should know at the end of the school year. He is "Transitioning" in all his writing skills, showing growth to where he needs to be at the end of the year. "Emerging" is where he is expected to be so Henry is doing great in both those areas.

Math schools are also great. He is Achieving and even Extending (student exceeds year-end expectations) in those. Mr. Roeth is going to start giving him second grade projects since he's so advanced.

Socialization and behavior on the other hand had a few minuses. "Demonstrates self-control" and "Follows classroom routines/agreements" both are areas where Henry needs improvement. I shouldn't be too worried, he might be a bit bored and he did get checkmarks on the other 8 things. I'm proud of his school work and will work with him on behavior. I know he can read great, we read every night and I'm amazed at the words he knows.

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