Thursday, October 01, 2009

I'm back from Indy. Two nights there was enough but it was a good trip. Unfortunately, I am off tomorrow to Cleveland and then to South Bend for a Notre Dame game on Saturday. If you know me, you know I can't stand ND but this is a fundraiser event for the Chair of the House Public Utilities Committee and something I probably need to do. I feel bad for Sarah because its unfair to her to be with the boys all this time. I also feel bad for me because I miss Sarah and those boys. The bus leaves South Bend Saturday after the game and arrives back in Cleveland at midnight and then I have more work to do Sunday: I am hosting people in our suite for the Browns v. Bengals game. All this sounds great until you are the one doing it and then its just work. Sure, its more fun than picking beans in a field but I don't like traveling this much. Especially since I have to go to Detroit on Tuesday morning. But that's only for one night and then I plan on sticking around Columbus for a long time.

On another front, the bushes are down in front of the lakehouse, along with the spruce and the trees against my neighbor's house in the back. I guess its a mess but its progress. Also, the county installed the culvert across the road and so I just need to get my two pipes close and the "pit of weeds" will go away next spring. I found a plumber to replace all the pipe in the basement and once that's done I can start building walls. Oh, and I'm getting close on the new door and window in the basement but there is a big difference between the price one place quoted me and and the one from the Big Box in Zanesville. Big box price is $2695 for the door, smaller place is $4446. That's a HUGE price difference but I want to buy off the smaller price so I've asked them to go back to their Pella guy and ask why the difference. Because I'm looking at the two quotes and they are for exactly the same door. I guess it pays to get quotes.

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