Saturday, May 02, 2009


Seems like forever since I have posted anything but I've been pretty busy. It's hard to believe its May already. Today is our 5th annual Kentucky Derby party and we are expecting 60 adults and 25 kids plus 2 babysitters. The work on the lakehouse continues. All the carpet, padding, nails and staples are up but there's a slight problem, our floor is no where near flat. So I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to do with the wood floor at this point. I hired a guy to rip out the walls and ceilings and install new ones, not because I can't do it but because I am running out of time to get it done before we move in prior to Memorial Day. Now I'm up against it in getting the new knotty pine boards ordered and getting them down to Seneca Lake and getting the floors in before we can move anything in. Did I mention that I can't believe its May 2 already? Hopefully, once the floors, walls and ceilings are done I can take projects as they come down there.
Today is also Henry's first tee ball practice although I'm having a tough time believing they will actually have it. I almost built an ark last evening and there is no way the fields are dry enough to play. He will probably play his soccer game this morning though, the weather forecast has improved to no rain today which is better than last night.
I'm heading to Chicago on Monday for a American Wind Energy Association conference. I thought about canceling because of the flu thing but it looks like I'm going. Monday night is a Cubs game and Tuesday Ohio is hosting a reception and hopefully I'll be learning a lot about wind energy in between. I'm sad that I'll miss a soccer game and baseball practice but the Governor is attending the Ohio reception so that caused me an extra night in town.

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