Friday, January 09, 2009
This weekend
We are loading up the family truckster and heading over to Indianapolis today, hopefully missing the snow. We're going to visit with the Horners tonight and eat dinner over there, tomorrow we'll probably swim in the hotel and then visit the famous Indianapolis Children's Museum. I've heard great things about it, I'm sure the kids will love it. Tomorrow night the Horners are going to watch the boys and Sarah and I are going to Governor Mitch Daniels inauguration. Well, we are going to the VIP reception and the dinner, I don't think we'll be staying too long at the ball.
I like Mitch, he's a politician of the people and we need more of those. I can't imagine him trying to spend his way to try to fix the Indiana economy, burdening our kids with more deficits. This year's federal deficit set a record and they are talking about doubling that and then having trillion deficits for the next several years. I really need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, what he is saying makes way too much sense and scares me frankly. Massive government spending + redistribution of wealth. I never thought I would see that in my United States of America.