Sunday, January 11, 2009
I'll post more later on our trip to Indy but here's a photo of a shrimp. It's no ordinary shrimp, it's from St. Elmo's in downtown Indianapolis and they sell more shrimp there than at any independently owned restaurant in the U.S. We stopped by before the Mitch Daniels Inauguration last night and each had the $14.95 appetizer at the bar. The shrimp are fantastic but the fame is the cocktail sauce. The photo isn't great because its with Sarah's blackberry but I think you can see that the sauce is a lot lighter than normal and you can definitely see the white chunks of freshly ground horseradish. It's probably 60 percent horseradish and 40 percent ketchup. It makes for head spinning, nostril clearning bites if you choose to load it up with sauce like I do. Regardless, if you find yourself in Indianapolis, you gotta stop by St. Elmos.