Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Chivas Man

So I meet a guy with my comapny for a drink prior to the event at an Irish bar near Harry Carey's in downtown Chicago. I'm going to have my one drink and then we'll go over to the party. Just as we are ready to leave, a guy comes over to our table and introduces himself as the Chivas Regal Rep for Chicago and can he buy us a drink of Chivas 18? No, we have to be going but my dad is a big fan and can you send him a keychain or something? Ross gives me a card and tells me to send him a note and he'll take care of dad. So Dad, if you get a package, that's why.

The event is fine, I get my 60 seconds with the Alderman and its time to leave. I need to kill some time so I go back to Sullivans and take that guy up on his free drink. Now, I've stayed true to my vow of one drink a day. Sure, there has been once or twice that I've had two but they've all been when I've had someone offer me a free drink. I think its rude to turn down a gift so I've bended the rule in those cases. But I've kept the spirit of my new life intact and don't intend to deviate.

Chivas has a special place in my heart although I don't particularly like scotch. I have mostly only drank it with Dad and only on special occasions. I figured this was one, if Ross hooks my dad up with some Chivas trinkets and I get a free drink why hey, its a win win.

Now its back to Columbus, arriving at 11:25 pm. I hope I can sleep in tomorrow.

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