Saturday, November 01, 2008



I'm no expert on taxes but I know I pay a lot of them.  I'm trying to learn more about the Obama redistribution of wealth and how it affects the Briggs family.  Details are sketchy, I heard from either his or Joe Biden's own mouth that taxes would not increase on those making over $300K, then $250K, then $200K, and now $150K.  These were all audio clips that I heard.  So where does that leave us? 
An important thing to remember about the Bush tax cuts is that they are expiring soon.  Will a democratic Congress and a Obama administration renew them.  I think they have both said no.  That means that tax brackets will increase by 3-4 percent on almost everyone paying taxes.  While candidates will say that this isn't a tax increase, we all know it is.  On middle class America, not just the rich. 

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