Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's been a long day. I left for Cleveland at 7:00 a.m. this morning then had to be in Canton at 1:00 to look at a couple houses. Our home inspection on the one house that we are buying was at 2:00 and since our house is not air conditioned it was miserable. Yes, we are putting AC in the house and the estimate was lower than what we planned on. Unfortunately, there are a couple things that need to be done in the house however.

I had dinner tonight with an old friend, Denise Paris (thanks for buying, Denise) and didn't get to stop by dad's house (sorry dad) because I don't like to drive at night anymore because of my LASIK surgery. I can do it, I'm just not that comfortable.

I'm looking forward to Sarah and the boys returning home tomorrow.

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