Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sarah and I have been talking about retirement lately. The real estate swoon has really made us consider buying something somewhere. I don't know if that's in Florida or buying a bigger house here but we have some time to kick it around this year.

My dream is actually to buy a sailboat and sail around the Caribbean during the winter months in my early retirement. In the summer months, we could live on it in Key West or take it up the east coast and visit places there. I'm not sure what we are going to do with Sarah retiring with me or at a later date. My goal is to retire at 62 and Sarah will only be 49 years old then. Plenty of time to decide those issues. Who knows, by then I might not want to sail.

if your thinking about retiement now, indeed retiring at 62, at your current age - i'm thinking that 'ol lottery better come through. otherwise, best keep your focus on retirement PLANNING!
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