Monday, October 22, 2007

Yesterday we drove over to Perry County to look at some property. For some reason I have a bug to buy some land. I'm just tired of saving money for retirement. I feel like I am on track and have Sarah on track and certainly the boys college education is off to a great start. So I want to do something fun with the extra money that we have. I wish we had a thousand lakes like they do in Canada or that we were closer to a place that does. But we just don't have a lot of that stuff near us in Central Ohio. The few lakes we do have are priced above what we would spend for a weekend get-a-way. At least lakefront and I think that's what Sarah would like.

I was thinking something like 75 acres or something. I'm not thinking that anymore. I'm not sure if I just didn't like the two we looked at but a lot of it just seemed like it was wasted acreage. Maybe I am thinking about something flatter, I don't know. Anyway, now I'm going to start looking for something about ten acres in size. I'd like it to be within an hour of where we live so may look east or northeast of New Albany. Maybe buying a cabin with some acreage is the way to go? With the housing market the way it is, that might be something to look at.

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