Sunday, September 23, 2007


I bought a rocket ship for Henry yesterday. He's been learning about the planets and space travel in pre-school so I thought it would be fun for him. But let's face it, it's fun for me too. I never had a rocket ship when I was little. I'm not sure I knew they existed, or maybe I was just busy playing tag or baseball or whatever.

I bought a "ready to launch" model at the hobby store. They had more sophisticated ones there but I figured this was the right one for a couple of novices. It still took me a half hour to assemble it though.

We gathered up a couple neighborhood kids and went down to the park. Hooked it up to the transmittor and a push of the button and whooosh, it was up in the air 600 feet. I gotta admit, it was cool. We did it once more before heading back. Here are some photos.

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