Sunday, September 03, 2006


So we're back from NY/Canada. The trip up was uneventful, Henry was a good boy although our DVD player stopped working toward the end. Last Saturday, we attended the wedding of a friend of Sarah's and that was okay, it was on a Finger Lake, don't ask me which and the setting was nice. Then Sunday we got up and drove to Canada and it rained almost the whole way up. Henry has trouble going to the bathroom in public restrooms but it may just be the big boy toilets he doesn't like. So he had his first outside standing up pee.

When we arrived, it was cool at the cottage but didn't rain. Monday was the only nice day we really had. But it still wasn't nice enough to go swimming. Tuesday was cool so we went into "town", Kingston Ontario. It's a great little city, about 115,000 people and the downtown is bustling. Nice to see that Wal-Mart hasn't destroyed the cities of Canada. Wednesday we went into a small village then Thursday we went to Chaffey's Locks, a working lock on a waterway from Kingston to Ottawa. It was neat and Henry enjoyed it.

Friday we went back to town to have lunch with friends of Sarah before heading back to Pittsford, NY and staying at the in-laws house. We left at 7:15 a.m. Saturday to get back for the Buckeye game.

All in all, a nice relaxing trip. I read the last Harry Potter book and some magazines. I'm not sure that we would go back so late in the future, the weather was just too cool but it appears as if its like that here in Ohio too. Here's some photos from the trip...

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